VXLAN or virtual eXtensible local area networks are virtual layer 2 network overlays on top of layer 3 underlays.

VNI: VXLAN 24-bit network ID

VTEP: VXLAN tunnel interface where VSLANS are terminated (this can also be on the hypervisor such as proxmox).

VXLAN Gateway: Object that forwards traffic between VXLANs.

NVE: Network virtualization endpoint (?) or network virtualization interface.


In this lab the first step will be to configure the underlay network. Most commands in this will be for both devices and some things like ips will be XX.XX.... as to show this will need to be specific to that device.

(config)#int e1/1

(config-if)#no switchport

(config-if)#ip address "xx.xx.xx.1/24"

We will now start setting up VXLAN by associating the local vlan to a vn-segment (VNI) as well as assigning a port to this vlan.

(config)#vlan "10"

(config-if)#ven-segment "5012"

(config)#int e1/2

(config-if)#switchport mode access

(config-if)#switchport access vlan "10"

The NVE will now be created. You can/will have multiple member VNIs and this will essentially terminate the virtual VXLAN tunnel to this loopback interface.

(config)#int nve "1"

(config-if-nve)#no shut

(config-if-nve)#source-interface lo "1"

(config-if-nve)#member vni "5012"

(config-if-nve-vni)#ingress-replication protocol "static"

We will set the peer-ip to be the same as the loopback on the other device. You can/will have multiple peers.

(config-if-nve-ingr-rep)#peer-ip "x.x.x.x"

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