Junos OS Basics

Junos OS is Junipers OS for their network portfolio.

Release Number Format

Releases are in "m.nZb.s" format

m= Main release number

n= Minor release number

z= Release number

b= Build number

s= Spin number


Junos uses an rj-25 console port with alternate access similar to other vendors such as SSH/API access.

Junos has a web-based interface referred to as J-Web. Web GUI and a text edited version.

CLI denotes operational mode with > and config mode with #

Help is similar to cisco and uses ?

Config changes MUST be committed before it is used.

Current operational configuration = running config

Boot-up config = startup-config

Canidate config is a working copy of the current operational config and is what is edited before being committed.

set is used to create/configure and delete is used to remove.

user@router# set web-management http interface "(interface)"

Hierarchical command structure

Junos CLI is hierarchical in nature.

Container statements contain other container statements or leaf statements.

Leaf statements are the actual configuration.

user@host> show configuration

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