CML Custom Images/Nodes

This page is a guide to creating custom images and nodes in Cisco Modeling Labs.

The example below will use JunOS for a Juniper switch but the process is the same for most custom nodes/images.

This requires your CML instance to be a baremetal install of CML 2.8. Not all custom images will, but the vSwitch/Router images I will be using for this do not support being in a nested VM.

Qcow2 Image

You will need to have a qcow2 image file for some vendors this will be provided. Juniper does provide them for their products. If you want to setup a windows node you would need to create a qcow2 image file with an iso/vhd. That will NOT be covered here(yet), but the CML Image and Node Definitions would follow this process. I do have a windows server node definition availible.

Juniper has their image files hosted here. You can choose between router, switch and Junos Evolved*.

Free Virtual Junos OS Download for Labs | Juniper Networks US

Once these are downloaded you can upload them using the node and image definitions page by navigating to image definitions under tools and using manage. This will take some time, and I recommend doing it first.

Once this image is uploaded, we will need to create the Node and Image definitions.

Node Definition

Node definitions can be very specific. For example, this node requires smbios properties, and specific boot sequences. When making a node definition it might be best to see if one is created already and if the manufacture has guidelines or information on creating them.

I have created a Junos Switch Node definition that is available to download. I will also provide a link to the Nodes repository I have this saved in as well as the community repository.

Junos vSwitch Node

Node Definitions

CIsco Dev Node/Lab Respository (pretty outdated)

Uploading the Node Definition

On the node definition page there will be an import button on the top right.

We will click the paperclip and navigate to the YAML file you wish to upload. In this case we will not need to change anything on the node definition, and we can move on to creating the image definition.

Image Definition

Now that we have uploaded our image and the node, we will need to create an image definition that the node can use.

We will us the add button on the top right of the image definition page.

For my image I used to following:

ID: Junos Switch

Label: Junos Switch 24.3

Disk Image: We will select the image that we uploaded for the switch.

Node Definition: vjunos-switch (this will be a dropdown menu)

I did not fill out any of the virtualization resource limits as they are in the node.

We will then create the image definition using the button on the bottom.

Now that these are created and linked, we can then create or access a lab to drag these devices to the topology. If these fail to boot, I would make sure you are on an updated version of CML as well as a baremetal install as these will not boot in a nested VM.

A failure could have an output like this in the console output:

mount /dev/vda1/boot

This page has been for setting up Junos devices in CML, if you need specific Junos configuration needs use the Junos page and use Junipers official learning materials. This page will work for other images.

Junos OS Basics

* I have not been able to get Junos Evolved (PTX) to boot at this time.

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